Features fine checkering on the genuine American walnut fore-end and straight-wrist stock, range-adjustable semi-buckhorn rear and brass bead front sights, an automatic in-hammer transfer bar safety, and our best-of-both-worlds side loading gate and removable tube magazine configuration. Holds ten rounds in the tube.
Traditional in appearance, pistol-caliber Big Boys are drilled and tapped for optic mounts for rapid target acquisition with red dots and longer reach with magnified scopes. Long barrels produce a substantial velocity increase with Magnum pistol cartridges, approaching the conventional rifle levels while offering greater tube magazine capacity and shorter lever throws thanks to shorter cases. Smooth, dependable actions and inherent accuracy of Henry barrels add up to enjoyable handling and effective performance on game and paper targets alike.
We are an FFL dealer so, ALL Rifle/Shotgun BUYERS MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, HAVE A CURRENT/VALID DRIVERS LICENSE OR LTC. NON LTC HOLDERS REQUIRE FBI BACKGROUND CHECK. PER ATF REGULATIONS, ALL LOCAL SALES MUST TAKE PLACE AT OUR LOCATION IN LEWISVILLE. We will gladly ship to your local FFL dealer anywhere within the United States and include only actual shipping charges.