LMT forged m4 upper receiver, KAC URX 4 10.75” handguard, 11.5” 5.56 7 poly twist medium contour ss match barrel, BCM gun fighter charging handle, LMT enhanced bcg, sig Romeo4T & sig Juliet 5x micro both in unity mounts, MODLITE OKW-18650 with one hundred concepts light cap & unity axon sl, q cherry bomb muzzle device. This gun has been tuned for suppressed shooting with a standard/ high back pressure can. Has a suppressed only gas block. If you are running a high flow can like huxwrx this upper is not for you & needs a suppressor to run 100%. The muzzle device has been rocksett on, if you are going to run a different suppressor mount than the q plan b/ rearden I can remove it & take $100 off. Not interested in trades & not in a rush to sell. Would like to sell everything together as a system. If you are local & serious I am more than happy to meet at a range & have you run it on your own lower to verify that’s it’s what you want.