Selling a lot of 500 rounds of 300 aac blackout ammo. Bought this several years ago, shot 20 rounds, and sold the build. No longer need it for shelf decoration.
480 total rounds of Stillwood ammo with gemtech brass and Barnes 110gr Tac-tx bullets. Factory new, not reloaded brass.
Opened one of the bags and shot 20rounds, a decent amount of the casings and bullets show oxidation. (230rnds remaining in this bag)
The second box/bag of 250 has been sealed and has very little oxidation.
All of these rounds have been stored in an interior climate controlled closet since being purchased and have not had direct exposure to water or any sort, not sure how some wound up oxidized.
Also included is 1 box of Hornady black 110vmax. Zero oxidation.
Selling all 500 for $350 due to the oxidation present on some of the rounds in the bag of 230.
Also selling a faxon Gunner 7.5” 300bo barrel (1/8 twist) for $125
Willing to trade for:
6.5 grendel 123 ELDM, or AAC 123 Sabre blade black tip
6.5 Creedmoor 140 or 147 ELDM
22lr pistol with threaded barrel
10/22 Takedown
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