I have Glock 19 mags (15 rounds) that I’d like to trade for gen 5 Glock 17 mags (17 rounds).
6-Glock OEM gen 5 mags with painted baseplates
2-Glock OEM gen 5 mags with Taran Tactical +5 base pads
2- ETS Red g19 mags
2- Magpul 17 round mags
Trying to do 2 for 1s. TWO of mine for 1 new mag.
The 2 with taran base pads will be ONE of mine for 2 new mags.
Only looking for OEM Glock 17 round magazines. Ones with OEM +2 base pads would be a big plus!
Also willing to sell the mags if you don’t have what I’m looking for.
Listing ID:3015493